Monday 21 May 2012

Things that go bump in the night

Things that go bump in the night, no I'm not talking about sex I'm talking about ghosts and ghouls and other paranormal paraphernalia. Oooh that rhymes.

I'm writing this whilst watching Dexter and drinking a brew, but all the while glancing out the window because I'm scared.

Recently I've had some unexplained activity and I'm curious now if you can offer some advice please feel free to contact me or even share your own stories.

Firstly the shadows:  It was an evening in February, about 11.30 at night and my ball and chain was walking me home.  I was standing outside his front door having a look down the street when I saw a shadow of somebody walking down the street reflected on the windows.  Being the nosy cow I am I peered down the street to see who was casting this shadow and saw nobody there, I started freaking out and looked back to where the shadow was and it had dissapeared.  I was really freaked out and told my boyfriend who naturally though I was bullshitting or a bit tired.  My mum laughed at me when I told her and my work mates told me I need to lay off the drugs.  Then last week me and my ball and chain were walking past a box outside my house when he suddenly grabbed my arm and said 'DID YOU SEE THAT!?'.  I asked what, and he said he saw a shadow, in the shape of man about 6ft tall, running down the street past him, it darted behind a box and dissapeared. He was as freaked out as I was and now we both jump everytime we see a shadow. Were the shadows tricks of the mind?

Secondly the mediums:  I go to a Spiritualist centre every Sunday evening and there are mediums there.  Every medium I've seen stares at me as if they can see something but never say anything to me.  When they catch me looking they look away.  They are long confused stares and they worry me.  The mediums have a strict 'good news only policy'.  The fact they stare at me like something is there terrifies me. Is this normal Medium behaviour?  I'm going to bite the bullet and go for a private reading with a medium when I find one that I like but I'm nervous.. Should I do it?

Thirdly the objects:  Twice in one week this has happened but I'm gonna' use the most embarrassing as an example.  I was 'gaaaaaaan auuuut' down the pub for a few drinks and wanted to wear a specific outfitwhich included me wearing a huge pair of Spanx pants. I couldn't find them anywhere and I was tearing my house apart trying to find them in my bedroom, I stormed downstairs to vent to my boyfriend and tore the downstairs apart too.  When I went upstairs to look again my 'Bridget Jones pants' were laid neatly on top of my bed.... Nobody else was in the house AND they werent there when I left the room.  I had a similar thing happen on Tuesday with a hair bow...

So what are your paranormal stories?


  1. Theres the afriacan music again lol.. The reason why the medium is staring at you is most likely cos they have something to tell you but are aware you are nervous and are possibly been told its not the right time. But def go to a medium privately. My own story of which i have many, but one of my most terrifying ones was, when i moved out first into an apartment wiht my ex, we were only there a few weeks, it was a big georgian house divived into apartments, we were in the 'basement' section so you had to walk down stairs to get to the 3 bottom flats. But one night we had finished unpacking and were just chilling with a pizza on the couch when my UNPLUGGED stereo (it has 3 cds) start changing discs really fast. Then i felt a cold feeling rising over me but my ex was warm, then he felt it. we went into our bedroom and i was lying on the bed freaked out and he didnt believe until then. Then suddenly something start pressing down on me and i jumped up .He said lets get the fuck out of here and i legged it out, as i climbed the stairs to get to the front door , there was another staircase where i saw an olden time girl hunched up ,head on knees . i shrank back on the wall hardly breathing when she slowly started to look at me.. I turned away cos i heard my ex and said look but she was gone..we wandered town for 3 hours to scared to go back.

  2. if they only have a good news policy, you need a different medium
